You can use a spotlight to highlight your services, products, and events. Your submitted content will be published in the News section on the homepage of our website and app, plus in our GONews publication that is sent the 2nd & 4th Tuesday of each month.
The spotlight will include the 2-3 sentences of teaser text that you provide, and a link to the media you include (PDF, webpage, video, etc). It will include your logo linked to your website, along with your name and email address.
We ask that you submit this form 2-3 weeks in advance of the date you would like it shared. The earlier you submit your request, the more likely you are to have it featured within your preferred time frame.
Please submit separate forms for each of your spotlights.
- Tier 1 Partners: 6 spotlights a year
- Tier 2 Partners: 4 spotlights a year
- Tier 3 Partners: 1 spotlight a year
- Tier 4 Partners: The discounts specified in your MOU are shared each month via our Partner's Discounts webpage.